오랫동안 선박수리와 Offshore Supply분야에서 주도적 역할을 감당해온 HSSEC(한스쉽핑)와 신조선박감리, 특히 LNGC
와 FPSO 전문 감리회사로 시장을 이끌어온 ‘OneKorea Maritime Service’가 해양분야에서 차별화된 서비스를 제공하고
자 컨설팅분야와 엔지니어링 분야를 분리 통합하여 전략적 제휴를 하게 되었습니다.
앞으로 신조 및 수리선 컨설팅, 시운전(Commissioning), 플랜징 및 볼트 타이트닝(Flanging & Bolt tightening),
Oil Flushing & Chemical Cleaning 전문 업체로서 해양분야의 발전을 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
기존의 HSSEC의 업무와 더불어 새롭게 출발하는 저희 회사에 많은 관심과 지도편달을 부탁드립니다.
Issac Engineering & Consulting Ltd. (Issac E&C) was created by merging the engineering departments
from Hans Shipping (HSSEC) (which was a leading company for ship repairs and offshore supply) and
the consulting business unit from ‘OneKorea Maritime Service’ (a major newbuilding consulting company
for LNGC and FPSO) to provide a higher level and more qualified service to the offshore sector.
The work scope of Issac E & C includes the following services for newbuild and conversion projects:
● Management consulting for newbuilding
● Ship repairs
● Trials & Commissioning
● Flanging & Bolt tightening
● Vendor supports
● Marine operation (Salvage & Towing)
Issac E & C strives to maintain and improve its position as a market leader in the newbuild and offshore
sectors. Finally, I would kindly ask you to keep your continuous support and provide your proactive
advice for this new company same as you did for HSSEC & OneKorea.
Your sincerely
President /Captain Joseph, H. Kwon